Loan Origination and Packaging Programs
The FEFC is a participant of the Regional Export Promotion Program (REPP) and offers Florida exporters access to export assistance programs offered by the EXIM Bank ( and the SBA (
Services include packaging for EXIM Bank and SBA export working capital guarantees, and other loan, insurance, and guarantee programs offered by these agencies.

FEFC Packaging, Credit Insurance, and Coguarantee Programs
Financing assistance provided by the Regional Export Promotion Program (REPP) focuses on the packaging and expedited processing of applications.
The FEFC will assist exporters and lenders in arranging loans exceeding the FEFC limit in order to complete an export sale of any size including EXIM Bank products and project loans and SBA loans. The FEFC will assist exporters and lenders in obtaining credit insurance to mitigate foreign risk.
Referral Services
Via Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) and Memorandums of Agreement (MOA) FEFC maintains up-to-date knowledge of exporter assistance programs offered by these federal agencies, as well as working relationships with their trade-expert professionals. This combination allows FEFC to recommend the best match between the exporter’s financial need and available assistance, and provide quick access to that assistance.
Products Offered By EXIM Bank Include
- Working capital guarantee
- Medium-term guarantees
- Direct project guarantees
- Commercial Credit and Political Risk insurance
Export Working Capital Program (EWCP)
SBA also offers working capital guarantees in support of export sales.
The export working capital guarantee programs of EXIM Bank and SBA are organized in a complementary fashion. These programs are collectively referred to as the Export Working Capital Program (EWCP).
EWCP Features:
- Guarantees to support specific transactions or a revolving Line of Credit.
- No minimum or maximum amount (though the amount requested will determine which agency will make the guarantee).
Ewcp Eligibility Criteria
- Exporter must have been in business at least one year.
- Exporter must be able to demonstrate financial strength to support a loan.
- Export transaction must involve a country approved by Ex-IM Banks’s Country Limitation Schedule.
- Exporting company must have business operations in
Though the EWCP is operated jointly by the two agencies, certain features of the program are unique to each agency.
The financing needs of the exporter, the nature of their business and the products being exported will determine which of the agencies will make the guarantee.