Company Story
The Past
*July 5, 1992
Business Plan presented to and approved by Governor’s Office
*July 1, 1993
Enabling Statute FS 288.770/8
*August 16, 1993
First employee
*November 5, 1993
Programs/Policies approved by Board and Governor’s Office
*February 2, 1994
Began accepting Loan and Loan Guarantee applications
*November 1, 1994
Became member of Ex-Im Bank City/State Program
*May 1, 1995
Signed Co-Guarantee Agreement with SBA
*December 1, 1995
Ex-Im Bank Umbrella Insurance Policy activated
*July 1, 1996
Increased Capital Grant by State
*September 18, 1996
Ex-Im Bank Delegated Authority received
*July 1, 1997
State Grants Self-Sufficiency Capital
*December 31, 1998
Achieved Self-Sufficiency
The Present
*July 1, 2010
Additional capital of $4.9 million granted by the State
*September 9, 2014
$5,000,000 SSBCI Additional capital received
How We
Help Small Businesses
FEFC provides a range of services to support small businesses in Florida that export goods and services, helping them overcome the financing challenges they often face when trying to expand their international presence.